Ayurvedic Spiced Milk

Raw cow or goat milk is high prized in Ayurvedic nutrition as it nourishes all the bodily tissues, builds vitality and the intellect.  It should never be taken cold, out of the refrigerator, but instead cooked with yummy spices to enhance it’s digestibility.


Easy Oven-Baked Kitcharee

Sometimes, we just don’t have time to do much cooking.  Sometimes we don’t have the inclination.  But, Ayurveda recommends freshly cooked foods as often as possible.  So, here is an easy way to make kitcharee for yourself without a lot of fuss.

Dr. Lad’s Tur Dal Soup #2

This comes from Dr. Lad’s cookbook, Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing.  He states that it is tridosha shamana (pacifying) and that because of the Ushna virya of toor dal (warming quality), those experiencing increased Pitta or Ushna (heat) guna should use less frequently.

Fall Kitcharee Supreme

Yummy Fall Kitcharee…it’s Fall here in Coastal California and the first rain of the season has come…time to make sure your meals are warm, light and digestible–this tasty kitcharee provides the warm, sweet and light-to-digest qualities.